Box turtle facing death due to an accident

by Madison Cavanaugh
(Buchanan MI)

Hi, I'm Madison Cavanaugh. I live in Buchanan Michigan. My family and I found a box turtle in my back yard yesterday. His shell is off on his left side and his flesh is hanging off his side. We discovered maggots were infested in his shell. We immediately took action and began removing the maggots. He began to bleed, but it wasn't very much. You could see his side move every time he inhaled and exhaled. After removing the majority of the bugs, some still remain. We kept him in a box over night with a towel and he is still alive this morning. I am desperately trying to find the solution to his survival. If you have any advice please let me know.

Comments for Box turtle facing death due to an accident

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Jun 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

I would like an update when you have gone to the vet...
I will NOT sleep until I know he will be ok..
You did a great job so far, please please please don’t let that little guy down now...!

Jun 02, 2015
injured turtle
by: Shelly

Please take this animal to a special reptile vet as soon as possible. Transport it in a box padded with soft towels. Cover the box with something that will allow air in.

Take it slow and steady.

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