don't know what to do

I had a turtle and it died five days later. I don't know what happened. So we got two more turtles. At first they were really active and moving, but now they're a little quiet. What does that mean? I have never really taken care of turtles before so what should I do? We're doing what the people in the petshop want us to do.

Also, how do you know if a turtle is male or female?

Comments for don't know what to do

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May 24, 2010
don't know what to do
by: Susan

Hi again, you are very welcome, happy I could be of some help..take care, Susan....

May 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you. From what you wrote, I know exactly what to do. This helps a lot. Thanks again

May 23, 2010
don't know what to do,
by: Susan

I made some mistakes in my grammar, and words, I meant to say he has a very strong shell and I alternate cleaning out the chambers of the pump about every 4 weeks, and with the frequent water changes this keeps his water clean..sorry about that..hope this helps, sincerely Susan.

May 21, 2010
don't know what to do

Well, I had a similar experience, one died, as he was sick when i got him, so I read about turtles and asked at Aquatic pet store, and so on, until I became somewhat knowledgeable enough to give it a try again, and bought a male Map turtle who is now just over a year old, healthy and strong and i would say happy. I have set him up in a 65 gallon tank, water half full, floating dock, log and some smooth rocks at the side to climb on...he has over his log which he now loves the best for basking a UVA light, and on the over side of tank a UVB light, that is close enough to help metabolize his calcium, vit A and B vitamins etc. he gets from his daily pellets, and romain lettuce and english cucumber, he his a very strong healthy shell, strong bones and bright, bright eyes...I hand feed him a few calcium fortified pellets in morning and then again at dinner time, i also shave a cuddle bone for extra calcium in water, and I do daily water changes and he also has 6 small fish, and they swim together. I have a strong pump outside the tank, a heater, keep the water around 75-78, depending on where the UVA light is as that keeps him warm, but also warms the water.. I clean the tank with a vac every week about 4 weeks, clean part of the tank inside, alternating... I pat his head, call him by name and he knows his name, and he is happy, and i stick to this routine for the most part, switch the UVA light at night to a red bulb, and cut the heat in half since he is a juvenile... seems to work. he gets lots of exercise as well as basking time on his dock, or rocks or log...he picks depending on the temperature he wants to go to in the tank...I do monitor him, not as much as when i first had him, i did more water checks, but my water is clear and he has never been sick and plan to keep him that way....I hope this gives you some ideas and helps...I keep it simple but consistent.. sincerely, Susan...

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