My baby Desert Tortoise has peeling around his mouth.

by Samantha
(Goodyear, AZ. USA)

Hi everyone! I'm a new Desert Tortoise owner. I have a baby, he's about five months old. (his name is squirt)

Today my boyfriend noticed he has peeling around his mouth. We read online it's a nutritional problem. :(
I would like to know what the best a fastest way I can get my little guy back to good health.
Here's how I take care of squirt, so you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Right now he lives in a little ten gal. tank. I have natural soil as bedding so he can eat the dirt for his tummy. He always has fresh water. I feed him the mixed salad box you can buy with the red lettuce, spinach, and all that good stuff. I also feed him petunias. I try giving him carrot shavings but he won't eat them. He does on the other hand, eat like a little piggie. He'll eat two or three handfuls of the mixed salad a day. And he's small, like smaller then a wallet. He has a UVB bulb. And before winter was here I took him out in the garden everyday. (I live in Arizona, so winter is pretty much almost over)
I was already thinking I needed to widen his diet. Now that I know he isn't doing well though I would love some help.
Also I have some vitamins I use for my lizards. It's calcium with D3. Should I try and give him some food dusted with it? Or is the D3 not good?
Thanks guys!

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Mar 21, 2011
Advice on peelin mouth
by: Anonymous

Firstly when you adopt a tortoise you should take him to the vet to check on his health. Since he is a desert tortoise he needs to have access to sunlight often. He probably needs a calcium supplement of some sort, been that he has peeling around his mouth, there is a lack og vitamins in his diet.
The foods you should feed him are lots of grasses, clover plants, dandelions. Each breed requires different food, ask your local vet for assistance. He should not be given lettuce often, as this doesnt cntain little to none of required vitamins.

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