by claire
(Sheffield - U.K.)

I currently have 9 torts of my own...all little babies...with a few being under a yr old. I have 5 spurs, 2 horsfields and 2 hermanns. The lady where i purchased the torts from also runs a re-homing service. I was told about "flash" a 6yr old hermann who for most of his life has been fed on berries!!! which - has now contributed to his un even jaw. His top beak does not meet his bottom one and therefore his bottom lip sticks out making him look a little un sightly. He has lived in a vivarium for over 2yrs (which again is wrong)....but we have seen him and he is a lovely lively tort with a beautiful shell. We are welcoming him to our home next week and i cant wait. He will have such a lovely happy life with my family and my other torts....P.S.... will get a photo uploaded as soon as he arrives.

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