My year old Sulcata tortoise keeps coughing

by Whitney J
(Athens, OH, USA)

Here are my two Sulcatas, Maxwell and Mandy

Here are my two Sulcatas, Maxwell and Mandy

I have a year old male Sulcata that just started coughing today. There isn't any mucus or any other symptom besides the cough. I just brought home another baby (maybe a month old) Sulcata about a week ago that I bought from Petland. Could there be a connection? Maybe the baby had something from Petland and it was contagious? The baby doesn't have any symptoms or any coughing. What could this be? And is there a treatment I can do or does he need a vet?

Comments for My year old Sulcata tortoise keeps coughing

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Feb 01, 2011
Thank you
by: Shelly

Thank you so much for reporting back.

No one can say exactly what happened, but I'm glad everyone is fine. Do keep an eye on them both, though, because animals can pass diseases from one to the other.

Did you have your new pet checked out by a vet? That's always a good step. You can avoid a lot of problems that way.

Keep it slow and steady.

Jan 31, 2011
Update on Sulcatas
by: Whitney J

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Sulcata is doing great and is back to normal. I didn't get him to the vet because the coughing stopped completely the next day. He hasn't coughed since. :) Yay!

Jan 22, 2011
Coughing Sulcata
by: Anonymous

First, I would separate the two them. Then I would make an appointment with your vet to have them both checked out. Hope all goes well!

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