Separate Turtles?

by carolina calderon
(los angeles)

My little slider is bleeding from its foot and has nails missing. I put neosporin on it and is in dry lock. I think the bigger one bit its leg because I saw it chasing it earlier and getting close to its feet. Should i separate them?

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Apr 13, 2011
biten slider
by: Anonymous

I actually did like a division in the middle of the tank for temorarily with rocks and the little slider keeps jumping over to the other side!!! the little one likes the big one but i think the big slider doesnt feel the same way.

Apr 12, 2011
Keep Them Apart
by: Shelly

Definitely keep these two sliders apart. If one is bullying the other, the injured one is not likely to settle. It certainly isn't having a happy life.

The bully isn't happy, either.

Keep it slow and steady.

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