soft shell

by ramzi
(ras beirut, beirut, lebanon)

hey, my turtle now has a soft shell and kind of looks dull and not that lively(the shell), it's always sleeping( most of the times) and like i barely see her eating. and if i poke her or anything she barely moves. My turtle is a normal turtle, i have no idea what species it is:S but it's small still a baby maximum 6 months and it's one of the turtles that become big, about 30cm somehow like that.

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May 13, 2010
Tortoise Shell problems
by: Shelly

You have a sick little tortoise on your hands.

You really should see a vet as soon as possible. You could also read this article for more information on the care of your pet.

Keep it slow and steady.

May 13, 2010
soft shell
by: Anonymous

Souds like you need to take it to the Vet, soft shells can be a serious problem...

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