Spiney Soft Shell Turtle

by Karen McQueen
(Lynn Haven, FL USA)

Mo and Stang (Mowat Mustang of Mowat Middle School)

Mo and Stang (Mowat Mustang of Mowat Middle School)

I have 2 small spiney soft shell turtles for my classroom. They are about 1 1/2" in diameter. One likes to spend lots of time under the sand while the other spends lots of time on the floating dock. He will stay out of the water for very long periods of time, even to the point of his shell beginning to show wrinkles. I have taken away the dock at times. I am not sure if this behavior is ok or not. The one that stays buried most of the day has a white blister-like spot on his front arm. I just noticed it today. I tried to rub it off but it wouldn't come off. Is this normal or something I should be concerned about? I have attached a photo from my phone so it is not super clear.

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Feb 20, 2010
Turtle behavior
by: Shelly

The basking behavior is normal, so don't worry about that.

The white spot could warrant a trip to the vet.

Do keep a eye on them because they don't necessarily like to have company (another turtle).

Keep it slow and steady.

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