Two species of tortoise living together.

I have seen an advert selling a horsfield and a hermanns tortoise together. Firstly I know that they are being kept in the wrong environment, a viv, but also the seller mentions being able to breed the two together. What are your thoughts? This is the advert.

crystal; (sex) famale, (age) 4/5, (breed) hermans £200 ono!(biggest one on the photo)

noddiee; (sex) male, (age) 2/3, (beed) horsefield £100 ono! (smallest one on the photo)

or even better you can have them both for £350 ono including in the prise, the 6ft tank and it's stand, woodchips, the rest of there food, there heat mat, there wood shettler witch they use for comfurt, 2 heat lights and if we have any bedding left you can have it. please get intouch if interested as i need the money as i am lookin to buy a horse! sad sale as i have had tortoises for 5 years ( if possible we would like to keep them together as they get along very well and even dow they are diffrent breeds they will still mate and their babies can prise up to £150/ £200 and they can have up to 14 eggs a time with crystal beein able to be a good mother. don't have to keep them togther but it would be nice to.) Thank You.

They are easy to look after they are both in good healthy conditions are very well fed.
They are kept in little hulton at my dads house although i live in ashton and i am willin to bring them to you if you are intrested.
You may come and see them first befor buyin we don't expect you to just buy from photo we can keep hold of them for you, but only with deposit that you will buy them as i do need the money for the horse.
As well we do have certificate from CITES for our hermads tortoise crystal."

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Nov 08, 2009
Interbreeding tortoises
by: Shelly

Do NOT interbreed tortoises.

It's not even a good idea to keep two breeds together because they can give each other diseases. They are immune to different things.

Keep it slow and steady.

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