saving a turtle life?

by Sado
(houston tx)

My brother and hes girlfriend left me a halfe dead turtle.....they had two one they found in a pool another brought from the pet store.They kept the turtles for 2 months..the one from the pool was completely healthy while the pet store turtle was half dead..they left the turtles without my knowledge 2 days after they moved out they asked if take care of them..i found out the pool turtle bullied the pet store turtle to the point he stopped eating, getting in the water, never moved,and hes eyes alway shut. I thought he was dead when i picked hes shell is soft, but he poked hes head out opened his mouth then stayed still. hes barely alive....i've been force feeding him with a toothpick with moisten food when opens his mouth...i separate them much as i dont want turtle im keeping him for myself...hes moving and barely opening hes eyes shelf still soft and sleeps all can i safe hes life?

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Jul 02, 2011
Thank you very much!
by: Sado

thank very much! I highly appreciate it! even though its just a turtle, A life is still a life regardless...i cant stand to see the poor thing suffer God bless you.

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Jul 02, 2011
sick turtles
by: Anonymous

It's good that you keep the 2 animals separated as much as possible.

The sick one has at least two problems.

1. It has an eye infection. A vet can give you Vitamin A and an antibiotic. The vet will know how much of each to give and at what intervals.

2. The shell is soft because the turtle does not have enough calcium. You need both to include calcium in the diet and make sure the turtle is getting UVB rays (direct sunlight) for about 10 to 12 hours/day.

I hope this helps.

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